搜索 Linden

  • 电影
    After the death of their mother, two sisters are forced to question and redefine their love for each other.
  • A young boy coming into puberty is resentful of his mother's budding romance with the best friend of her late husband, and is torn and confused about his emerging feelings for Toni, a young girl in his neighborhood. His fascination with an antique Oriental knife leads him to steal it and he uses it to try to impress To…
  • The musician Udo Lindenberg (played by himself) is kidnapped during the party after a concert. Nobody realizes this until the next day, when he doesn't show up in time for a rehearsal. Since the police believes this is only a promotion gag, private eye Kuhlmann (also played by Udo Lindenberg) has to be hired to find hi…
  • 这是一部长79分钟的荷兰风光记录短片。当时,战后的荷兰国家航空公司(KLM)正急于推销自己,同时试图振兴荷兰旅游业。于是拍摄了一部短片,主要内容是介绍荷兰风光。片中有一个KLM空中小姐角色,她用荷兰语和英语向观众讲解景物。当时奥黛丽仍在学校学习芭蕾,但为了挣一些学费,奥黛丽在母亲的帮助下参加了该片的试镜。据该片导演林登回忆,他…
  • We need other people to define ourselves. And if these people think we are someone else we feel lost. Harry Kumel uses techniques from Griffith, the sober mise-en-scene from Carl Theodor Dreyer and the themes of Sternberg( whom he dedicates the film to) to tell this story. But he makes of all these different visions a …
  • 一位名为乔治(丹尼尔·克雷格 Daniel Craig 饰)小偷潜入著名画家培根(德里克·雅各比 Derek Jacobi 饰)的画室中行窃却被培根逮了个正着。令乔治感到意外的是,培根并没有向其他人那样报警或是痛揍他一顿,原因只有一个,那就是乔治壮硕的体格和英俊的容貌深深地将他吸引了。就这样,乔治和培根开始了出双入对的生活,乔治不仅成为了培根艺术…
  • 电影奇幻
  • 电视剧冒险