搜索 Lindo

  • 电视剧犯罪
    CBS早前预订《X档案 The X-Files》制片人Frank Spotnitz的剧集《赎回 Ransom》,由在《黑帆 Black meijubar.net Sails》饰演Woodes Rogers的Luke Roberts主演。该剧自14年开始开发,与法国﹑德国及加拿大合作拍摄。而现在有Sarah Greene﹑Brandon Jay McLaren﹑Nazneen Contractor加盟该剧该剧是根据有丰…
  • 忘年交Vincent Lindon和 Alain Cavalier情同父子。他们经常一起上酒吧小酌或讨论可以一起拍摄什么影片。有时他们也会西装革履地打扮自己。在片中以权威人士形象出现。这部影片旨在探讨人们可以笨拙到何种程度,实在令人忍俊不禁。如果你不幸将真人真事与影片中的故事混淆的话,会觉得这部影片真是令人匪夷所思。即使明知没有答案,你们也还是会…
  • 经过十年的婚姻,凯伦艰难但成功地离开了她的丈夫马里奥。她需要一个新的开始,去搞清楚她是谁,她就可以做些什么,尽管她丈夫直言离开了家她会一事无成。她只身一人来到首都波哥大,没有工作,没有朋友,钱几乎快花光了。直到当她遇到一个名叫帕特里夏的理发师,带着她走向独立和自我完善的第一步。小故事触及重大社会问题。2011年柏林电影节官…
  • From Amazon:Witness this beautiful story of young love, starring Pedrito Fernandez as Ferco, a care free young man in love with Rosalba, the most beautiful and popular girl in school, who doesn’t notice him because she’s in love with Rafael, the coach of the baseball team. In the meantime, Usi, a very small girl with b…
  • 在与她的丈夫搬到一个新的房子,以应付最近使她失明的事故后,一个女童子军的死亡继续被内疚,直到夫妇发现一个小女孩隐藏在他们的房子里,揭示了不可思议的黑暗秘密。by:yakubd.cc
  • A movie about the horrors, rigors and racism of men crossing the North Pole. The basically unknown story of Matthew Henson who has almost been forgotten from history as the co-discoverer of the North Pole simply because of his race. I think it's about time that history starts being reported for what it really is and no…
  • 电影剧情
  • 电影剧情
    上映日期:今年11月  BNK48與CGM48成員Namneung Noey、Pun Jennis、Wee Fond和Kaning Marmink的百合電影項目,講述四位女孩的關係,將為奶酪製作成各種口味。
  • 电视剧
    Ransom is inspired by the professional experiences of crisis negotiator Laurent Combalbert who with his partner, Marwan Mery, are among the top negotiators in the world. Together, they travel around the globe to help multinational corporations and governmental agencies with complex negotiations and conflict resolution.…