搜索 Czerny

  • 一個結過五次婚、有九個小孩的男人,在他最潦倒的時候,神來之筆「寫」出了這本「驚世之作」。尼爾對於自己生活的不順遂十分憤怒,他質疑自己的信仰與及一直相信的神,為了發洩不滿,他給神寫了一封信,竟然得到回應……神「直接的」回答了尼爾的種種問題,包括所有生命與生活中各個層面堪的問題:「人的一生到底是為了什麼?」「我是否永遠也不…
  • 根据陀思妥耶夫斯基同名作品改编。
  • Fifteen years after the events of The Boys of St. Vincent took place, the various boys involved are brought in to testify against the brothers, now finally standing trial, who assaulted them when they were children. The former head of the orphanage, Peter Lavin, has been married for several years imbd:8.3/10!! at this …
  • Almost America's story begins in 1951. When the Po River in northern Italy floods her village, Antonia Di Vito (Ferilli) takes her children and sister Paola to Canada, where her husband Vincenzo has been working to establish a new home for the family. Upon their arrival in Alberta, Antonia is devastated to learn that V…
  • A movie about the horrors, rigors and racism of men crossing the North Pole. The basically unknown story of Matthew Henson who has almost been forgotten from history as the co-discoverer of the North Pole simply because of his race. I think it's about time that history starts being reported for what it really is and no…