搜索 Vilma

  • Tre menn til Vilma
    35-year-old teacher Vilma Veierød lives alone. She shuns social media and worries too much - most of all about death. One day in December, the handsome priest Ivar and the pathologist Robert with Tourette's suddenly appear on her doorstep…
  • 动漫
    昭和の2大コミック、石ノ森章太郎の『サイポーグ009』と永井豪の『デビルマン』がコラボレーションを果たすアニメーション。異なる能力を持った9人のサイボーグ戦士たちと、悪魔の力と正義の心を宿すヒーローのバトルが展開する。オリジナル・アニメ『サイボーグ009 THE CYBORG SOLDIER』の川越淳が監督を務める。
  • After the death of her grandmother, Emma finds a videotape that scared her long ago as a child. When she watches the tape again, its disturbing content begins to haunt her and control her life.
  • Tasked with packing up the belongings of a deceased grandmother, two friends venture to a house nestled deep in the woods where strange noises, lights in the forest, and mysterious locals plague the pair.
  • 警匪片扭出新意,北望俄罗斯去吧,由风格化的乌哲图(《世界尽头的列车》,35 届)演绎,就知要期待。四俄警的非常轻狂岁月,盲打示威者,恶向嫌疑犯。换过便装,暴烈仍没底线,他们是有牌烂仔,乱闯夜店。也只有这里,警匪关係才这麽畸型,寻衅滋事的非古惑仔,而是差佬!俊差哥爱上黑帮大佬的女人,变奏了的罗密欧与茱丽叶,情慾诱发更烈激战…
  • Vilma Santos 3rd Darna movie.another thrilling episode in highly-popular Darna series.Narda(Vilma Santos)is a pretty,provincial lass whose only desire in life is peace and brotherhood for all humanity.Narda's prayers are answered when she recieves a gift of of supernatural powers. as the super woman( Darna).Darna has a…
  • The Film ‘Existence’ uses no dialogue and instead tells it’s story through a universal cinematic narrative. A playful film driven by humorous observation