- 超级活泼可爱的加菲猫回来啦! 什么他只会躺在沙发上吃着披萨懒洋洋的看电视那你可错啦,有了加菲猫,可没让他的伙伴欧迪消停过。他的鬼点子让他们的主人乔恩也抓狂不已。不过,当朋友遇到危难,顽皮的加菲猫也会挺身而出,成为盖世英雄。 千万不要冒犯他哦,他会让你灰头土脸;千万也 别小瞧他哦,你无法抗拒他可爱的眼神,搞怪的行为。 最新的…
- After the tragic deaths of her husband and daughter, Sarah Doyle moves back to her childhood home with her estranged brother, Richard. It's not long before Sarah begins to experience supernatural phenomena of a violent and hostile nature. Bewildered and desperate, Richard enlists the aid of a paranormal investigator wh…
- 强大并且致命的海啸正袭击着美国东海岸,这引起了五角大楼高度的重视,经过科学家们的研究分析,发现这股可怕的力量并不是来源于大自然,而是恐怖分子在海洋里引爆的核武器,这一切都被一位科学家所掌握,他要在恐怖分子进行第二次核爆炸前,阻止事情的再度发生,一切都是未知数……
- Police commissioner Herville is found dead in a Chinese restaurant in the 13th arrondissement of Paris. Gilou must break the news to Laure, who is being treated in a Police rehabilitation center. Now in charge of the unit, Gilou begins investigating with Ali, a young cop, fresh out of training. They quickly find themse…