- 故事发生在一个依靠着音乐才赖以生存的地方都市之中,音羽歌苗(小松未可子 配音)是一位平凡的高中一年级学生,本来出生在显赫世家的千金大小姐,却因为父母的不断挥霍而不得不早于同龄人许多步,开始思考起自己未来的生计问题。一天,歌苗的面前忽然出现了两名可疑的男子,让歌苗没有想到的是,这两个人,是大名鼎鼎的音乐家贝多芬(杉田智和…
- Shaolin Tiger Claw is the story of one mans struggle for self discovery, as it leads him on an odyssey across the continent to prove he is the best fighter in the land. His journey leads him to the Tiger, the most notorious fighter alive. Only one problem - the Tiger is in jail, so Yu must first trick his way in to jai…
- Edgar Allan Poe. For nearly two hundred years his stories of the macabre have shocked and terrified audiences. And now, inspired by five of Poe's most terrifying tales, five filmmakers have banded together to create the ultimate tribute to the master: Edgar Allan Poe's Requiem For The Damned - featuring adaptations of …