- A bookstore owner and hopeless romantic meets the man of her dreams and tries to save her business with the help of a business consultant. She discovers what she needs to make the fairytales she bases her love life on true in this romance story. Throughout the movie, she also tries to help her younger sister work throu…
- Rafael resides on his southern Spanish finca with his friends, a group of bohemian refuseniks, adventurers and leftover revolutionaries. They loaf about in style in the idyllic surroundings, playing around, drinking, chatting, reciting verse, posing and performing. Early on, Rafael’s son shows up with his German fiancé…
- 警局刑事档案部的员工被绑架,当检察官与绑匪通电话谈判时,接电话的人确实拉斐尔,阿里斯特德也与她在一起,因此她们也被怀疑为绑匪的同谋。”阿斯特菲尔”cp真的参与了绑架案?这起绑架案牵出一件七年前的肇事逃逸案,这个两个案子之间有什么联系呢?@弯弯字幕组