搜索 Lola

  • Mr. Morimoto is a japanese exiled to Paris since he is retired. He came to make his old dream come true: to lead the bohemian life of a Parnassian painter. One day, this dharma bum, who could never learn the Molière's language, is out on the street with his last picture. And he loses it on the way. He wanders in Bellev…
  • After a couple of unfortunate events, all Rachel wants is a place to lick her wounds; only to discover her Grammy has been conned. As options run out to save Grammy's home from foreclosure, Rachel is forced to take matters into her hands. The only problem is; does this naive eccentric have what it takes to con a con?
  • 影片看剧情很多雷穆斯,他也和小说家Jardine Libaire一起写剧本,聚焦伍德蕾饰演的三十多岁的女子Daphne在一年内遭遇的爱和心碎,她将以一连串事件、往想不到的方向去揭开自己人生的秘密。
  • FühlenSiesichmanchmalausgebranntundleer
  • 故事发生在20世纪90年代,讲述了本已打算金盆洗手的摸金三人组胡八一(张涵予饰)、王凯旋(姜武饰)、Shirley杨(卢靖姗饰)在大金牙的劝说下又操起老本行,但原本以为只是简单任务的他们却因意外身陷危机,不得不重新踏上凶险万分的地下之旅。
  • Deception is an integral part of human nature and it is estimated we all lie up to nine times a day. But what if we created a world in which we couldn't lie? In a radical experiment, pioneering scientists from across Europe have come together to make this happen.   Brand new technology is allowing them to rig three Bri…
  • 在一个记忆可以被数据化存储、回放的未来世界里,年轻的女子试图通过读取死去的父亲的记忆重温他的温情,却不幸了解到自己原来只是他怀念女儿的替代品。她无法接受,自我意识苏醒过来,选择了拔出芯片自我毁灭。
  • 成長總叫人迷茫。生活在巴黎的葡裔少女Pamela,正站在人生的十字路口,面對青春中許多矛盾和失敗,總覺得提不起勁。家人雖然有愛,但她卻認為自己令他們失望。一次回鄉之旅,Pamela由城市回歸葡萄牙的鄉村小鎮,慢慢重新找到生活的勇氣。擅於描寫女性的法國導演Laurence Ferreira Barbosa,以這個溫暖細膩的故事,探討少女成長的困惑。
  • 故事描寫長大成人後各走各路的兄弟,他們之間的手足之情和當中牽涉的複雜關係。納斯出獄後回到從前居住的社區,與一班舊朋友和他的哥哥阿列基重聚。他的哥哥是酒吧Le Prestige的老板。納斯一心想要為自己打響名號,而Le Prestige正好能成為他的跳板……大眾引頸以待的《巴黎一哥》是Hamé Bourokba和Ekoué Labitey執導的第一部長片。他…
  • 荣获观众电影奖,2010年哈梅丹国际儿童影展的最佳电影,最佳童星与最佳导演。阿巴斯‧马拉帝安的第一部电影,故事温馨感人,剧情描述Behrouz梦想赢得一辆脚踏车, 为此他参加了足球比赛。