搜索 Loncar

  • 波斯尼亚与黑塞哥维那(波黑) 中产阶级四口之家,家庭顶梁柱母亲患上了末期胸癌。突如其来的疾病给整个家庭带来了巨大的冲击,父亲和两个女儿不知该如何适应……《与妈妈在一起》首映于2013年波黑萨拉热窝电影节主竞赛单元,获得了Cineuropa Prize外围奖。
  • I got this under the title SPECIAL SQUAD SHOOTS ON SIGHT. I've been slowly watching this movie over the past year in 5 minute increments and I finally finished it tonight. It is a Turkish/Italian co production starring the perfectly named Tony Tiger (real name Irfan Atasoy) as a reporter/part time cop/hypnotist (!) who…
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gAtO_88lTQ3 min
  • 电影剧情
    据国外媒体消息,Aloe娱乐公司将拍影片《圣母玛利亚》(Mary, Mother of Christ),曾在《史前一万年》(10,000 BC)中扮演女主角、并出演即将上映的科幻片《推》(Push)的卡米拉·贝尔(Camilla Belle)将扮演“圣母”。其他加盟影 片的明星全部都名气响当当,乔纳森·莱斯·迈耶斯(Jonathan Rhys Meyers)将同时扮演大天…
  • 作为海地黑帮首领的2Pac和比利,这两个亲兄弟必须在这个几乎没有任何选择余地的世界中做出决择。影片通过不可思议方式零距离地观察黑帮兄弟间的爱与恨;和他们二人与法国人莉莉间的三角之恋;还看到了他们与绝望中仍想维持权力的阿里斯蒂德之间的丑恶协议。以暴力为话语权的2pac和比利知道,在海地,生存下去就是每天的挑战,他们想要为自己也想…
  • 荒野之地
  • It seems that the US version differs from the European one. Anyhow we are talking about a great movie. Inspector Henry Silva is accused of having killed a police informer and is kicked out of the Department. He will have to do all by himself to discover the truth.The ace of this movie is director Miraglia who manages t…