搜索 Loree

  • 电影恐怖
    一组自以为在竞赛中获胜而选出的青少年,被安排进入麦克·梅尔(Michael Myers,《万圣节》系列中的杀人狂魔)的老屋中过夜。与此同时,他们在这一天中的生活将被送上Internet互联网直播。听起来这一切将是一个像《艾德私人频道》EDTV和《生存者》Survivor一样颇受欢迎的现代直播节目,而且这六名孩子也都迫不及待的想要享受一夜成名的快乐。但…
  • 电影历史
    科学家们终于终于发明出了时空穿梭机,为了防止有人利用它回到过去改变历史,一支被称为时空特警的队伍成立了,马克斯(尚格·云顿 Jean-Claude Van Damme 饰)就是其中的一员。十年前,马克斯的妻子梅丽莎(米娅·萨拉 Mia Sara 饰)死于非命,凶手至今未被捉拿归案,这成为了马克斯的心结。马克斯决心通过时空穿梭机来调查事件的真相,回到过…
  • Thank You For Your Service tackles the mental health crisis in the military and addresses specific solutions to reducing stigma both within the military and within the larger culture. We also tell the story of incredibly resilient veterans whose struggles and triumphs are chronicled in the film. With interviews from th…
  • 电影爱情
    动画短片《Silent》于2014年2月15日在奥斯卡科学技术奖颁奖晚宴上首次亮相,由荣获奥斯卡奖的Moonbot Studios创作,讲述故事创作者、发明家和科技工作者如何携手共创电影的神奇体验。短片跟随两位梦想实现“影音表演”的街头艺人,探索老剧场中的神奇装置如何让他们开启电影的音画之旅,找到他们一直期待的观众。这部短片的声音部分由荣获奥斯卡…
  • 皮肤彩绘大对决第三季
    In the Season 3 premiere, new contestants get the opportunity to paint the beautiful performers of world-renowned entertainment company, The Dancing Fire, using the dancers' colorful costumes as their body paint inspiration.
  • 电视剧悬疑
  • What is the ultimate horror? For Holland Price, it is losing everything he loves. Holland is a devoted family man whose life is turned upside-down by a horrifying figure one Halloween night.Holland spends ten years searching the country, filled with self-torment and suffering, as he is haunted by his nightmares of that…
  • Berlinger is the sorty of two men who grow up together in pre-war Germany; when Roeder's parents die, Berlinger's father takes the orphanedboy under his care. As the two boys approach adulthood, their contraddictory temperaments lead them along different paths: the idealistic young Berlinger, a brilliant chemist, refus…
  • 电视剧
    在得到线报前往逮捕一起谋杀案的重大嫌疑人的路上,总督察Joanne Davidson注意到异常状况,临时决定带队改道去处理一桩正在发生的持械抢劫案件,从而延误了逮捕嫌疑人的最佳时机。这到底是一个纯粹的巧合还是早有预谋的设计呢?在了解相关情况后,反腐小组AC-12决定介入调查……
  • 电影