搜索 LorneMichaels
共找到“3”个结果第36期第22集 前IMF的主席卡恩入狱了,在狱中他认识了两个黑人伙伴,他们和他讨论起了如何解决欧元区金融危机的事情....本期主持人Justin Timberlake,Justin说他本期作为主持人,而非音乐嘉宾,所以他不打算唱歌了,然而在观众们的强烈要求下,他会错过一展歌喉的机会么?Kristen扮演的Teabag正在商店门前招揽生意,这时候,Justin扮演的…
Saturday Night Live 40th Anniversary Special
Curly Oxide was the stage name of the young Hasidic Jew who wandered into a Brooklyn bar where Vic Thrill and The Rev. Vince Anderson played their barbaric folk and gospel music. Thrill struck up a conversation and a mutual interest in music led Thrill to invite his new friend to visit his nearby gas station home/recor…