搜索 Louras

  • 1974年的塞浦路斯,政局动荡之际,一个爱情故事由此展开。那个美丽与天真的世界不复存在,战争与背叛将所有的事情永远的改变。一个爱上了同一个女人的两兄弟的家庭;一个可以预见的现实版的欧里庇得斯的《特洛伊的女人》的舞台;一个被推向极致的充满激情的民族主义者:这样一个充满梦想,阴谋,强权和野心的小镇,拉开了这个夏天动荡不安的序幕…
  • 电影奇幻
    Luna Seven is a Fantasy/Drama set in the year 1945 and follows Elizabeth Miller who has offered up her soul in exchange for the chance to save her brothers life. Elizabeth must journey through the Lunascape; 'the world of the dead' and complete a series of trials set by the ancient gods of old. With only 48 hours befor…