搜索 Loza

  • 八十年代共产铁幕下的波兰,社会上冲突不断,军官之子则整日与好友厮混,不是玩玩庞克乐团、便是偷窥邻居少妇的美好曲线,恣意享受青春的无限欢愉。直到政府宣布戒严,军人荷枪实弹占据了街头,也将少年无忧无虑的生命逐渐撕裂成碎片。成长叛逆、庞克怒吼、青涩初恋与动荡年代相互叠合,耀眼且惆怅得一如《那年阳光灿烂》。   影片曾获得201…
  • Una historia basada en hechos reales, un conflicto que surge entre dos pandillas por el robo de una gorra. Se desencadena una sangrienta guerra que desemboca en el famoso hecho de los "piernas cruzadas", un hecho en el que las mujeres de los pandilleros se negaron a tener cualquier tipo de relación hasta que …
  • X GAMES 3D: THE MOVIE captures the drama and spectacle that play out every year at the X Games events, highlighting the behind-the-scenes stories of the featured athletes and the sacrifices they make in pursuit of glory and the advancement of their sports on the biggest stage in action sports.
  • Pepe travels to America with Santo (The Patron Saint of Immigrants) in search of his grandmother's dying wish..."The Mexican Dream."
  • 纽约女警探凯丽斯特(弗劳伦希娅•洛加诺 Florencia Lozano 饰)18岁那年曾遭遇一场难以忘怀的惨剧,在她生日当天,她的父亲(本尼•尼维斯 Benny Nieves 饰)被蒙面杀手当街杀害,而这一切就在凯丽斯特眼前发生。凶手离开前,将一张写有宗教语句的卡片交到这个惊恐的女孩手里。在此后的13年里,凯丽斯特时时不忘抓到凶手,替父亲报仇。某晚,一…
  • Tens years after robbing a Bank of America, filmmaker Darius Monroe returns home to examine how his actions affected the lives of family, friends...and victims.
  • The little town of San Francisco del Monte, birthplace of football in Mexico, is now a quiet and forgotten place. But Don Pepe, an old janitor form the town's school, is trying to unite a group of kids into a football team, in order to give San Francisco del Monte the recognition it deserves. Their strength and love fo…