搜索 Loïs

  • After an attack against the guard of the Third Reich, Nazi repression intensifies, and the Czechoslovakian resistance's organized sabotage in an aircraft factory leads to Gestapo shootings. Now, factory worker Petr Lom (Gustav Nezval) must make a choice: Is he prepared to sacrifice his life to save his co-workers?
  • 在北法的靠海小镇,少女席琳与少年凡伦汀有几次不愉快的相遇经验,凡伦汀性情不定,常有粗暴举动,两人彼此好奇又畏惧。
  • Caution--- While this review does not include any "spoilers", it does divulge some early elements of the plot ---Philippe is a gay man pushing 30 who is living with slightly older Jean-Marc, his lover of seven years. The movie opens after the failure of their restaurant. We are at a small party that Jean-Marc…
  • @chenchun8219剧情:车站上,火车快开车了。旅客们忙碌地在赶着上车,帅克也带着几个沉重的皮箱吃力地在向车厢走去。开车铃响,列车员把帅克推上车,车便开走了。帅克的一个皮箱留在站台上。卢卡什中尉对帅克丢掉他的皮箱很恼怒,而帅克却是心平气和地劝中尉不要激动。他说:箱子里没有什么贵重的东西,反正是从房东那里弄来的,丢了也没有什么…
  • 影片讲述了孤苦伶仃的三姊妹对抗命运的伤感故事。为了筹付妻子的生产费用,民哲不得不向高利贷借钱,结果利息像滚雪球一样,越积越多。不堪重负的民哲无奈之下选择了逃离故乡。妻子拉扯着三个孩子被债主追债,房子和水田皆被夺走。在物质与精神的双重打击下,妻子得了重病,最终含冤离世。民哲后来得知妻子的死讯,后悔不已,回到故乡却遭到债主…
  • Peter Pan enters the nursery of the Darling children and, with the help of fairy dust, leads them off to Never Never Land, where they meet the nefarious Captain Hook.
  • 电影恐怖