搜索 Valenta

  • Criticism of the system tended to be oblique prior to 1968, when the reform Communism of the Prague Spring effectively abolished censorship but continued to fund its filmmakers. Nonetheless, there were some powerful works even before this. A director of the older generation, Ladislav Helge (b. 1927), made some strong i…
  • 阿根廷首都近郊的豪宅区,保安森严,与世隔绝,贝莲来打住家工,不懂欣赏中产阶级拘谨的魅力,发现通电铁丝网的另一边,原来别有洞天,天体营地春光乍泄。双面女佣从此活在分裂的世界。穿上衣服,她是表面勤快的阿四,见尽窗明几净、衣冠楚楚下的虚伪。卸下衣裳,加入天体俱乐部,她向往赤条条来去无牵挂的自由,化身野兽在野外交合。卢卡斯连拿…
  • Threatened by the end of the world, a group of Buenos Aires residents receive lessons in survival at a resort in the marshy Tigre delta. The Austrian background of Rinner, who trained in Argentina, shines through in this bitterly comical stylisation of human failings when face-to-face with the apocalypse.In recent year…