搜索 Luce

  • Mark是一个刚从东海岸搬到亚利桑那州的聪明、害羞的小伙子。他的父母给了他一个无线电广播设备,他可以通过它向外广播,他用Hard Harry这个名字建立了一个地下电台,每天深夜向同为高中生的听众广播,很快的他成为了同龄人眼中的英雄,与此同时也触怒了当地高校的校长。当Harry的一个听众自杀冲突立刻在学校爆发,政府被叫来制止Harry的电…
  • 日本东京,高度发达、夜夜笙歌的国际大都会,怀揣梦想、来自世界各地的人们云集于此,只为留下自己微不足道转瞬即逝的足迹。导演维特•荷默(Veit Helmer 饰)跟踪采访了6组在东京打拼的外国人:包括初来乍到的三个乌克兰女模特儿、把日本视为建筑家天堂的英国建筑师、曾为陪酒女郎并最终嫁给日本恩客的菲律宾人妈妈桑,娶了日本女模特的波兰男…
  • Lucesdeldesierto
  • A man stays alone with his children in a half demolished house in the middle of a desolate field. His wife has just been killed by a grenade in a military battle. He is expecting a new attack. Instead, a wandering caravan called Circus Fantasticus stops by the house. They bring along the dying director of the circus. I…
  • 影片讲述了一位虚构的邪教领导人的人生,从他迅速到达权力的顶峰一直到最终被孤立、变成妄想狂的故事。这位主角名叫L Conrad Powers ,他仿造的宗教名为“科学唯心教”(Church of Scientific Spiritualism)。美国的基督科学教(The Church of Scientology)认为该片是在讽刺他们的领导人L Ron Hubbard,于是提起诉讼,禁止该片的…
  • 葡萄牙幻想电影节最佳影片提名,巴西经典CULT片之一。Botanist is incapable of handling a carnivore plant that turns its victims into vampires. Clumsy detective and his secretary are hired to solve the mysterious deaths happening in a nightclub show.This …
  • Eva has a date that does not arrive, and some other issues.