搜索 Lupe

  • 故事发生在风景如画的阿根廷。对少女桥格林纳(瓜妲卢裴·阿隆索 Guadalupe Alonso 饰)来说,炎热的夏天意味着洒满阳光的小路、划过脸颊的微咸汗水和肆意挥洒的灿烂笑容。然而,这一年,桥格林纳发现在不经意之间,自己的周围已经发生了翻天覆地的变化,父母之间的关系越来越差,渐渐长大的姐姐开始不再愿意和自己一同玩耍。郁闷之中,桥格林纳…
  • In 1840, Sam Lash heads west for adventure. He meets up with some Mountain Men, and they head for the Rockies to trap beavers and cats. In Taos he meets Lola, a beautiful Mexican girl from a proud and rich family. They fall in love and he persuades her to elope with him. After they get married, Sam is torn between his …
  • 西班牙女导演艾因霍亚·罗德里格斯的长片处女作,启用非职业演员从女性视角出发,讲述了西班牙南部偏远乡村留守的女性群体“不安于室”的神秘故事。影片怪异的电子配乐及充满隐喻的摄影让平平无奇的日常生活变得迷离梦幻。该片入围2021年鹿特丹国际电影节主竞赛单元,荣获2021年维尔纽斯国际电影节最佳导演奖。
  • A guilt-ridden U.S. Marine returns to Cuba to try to find his illegitimate child.
  • 一名中年男同志马丁夜夜笙歌放纵人生,喝酒、嗑药、群交样样都来,但他要的其实只是有人陪伴,在一个又一个High到荼靡的夜晚里,他越渴望爱,就越感到寂寞。阿根廷演员艾德加·多卡斯特罗演而优则导,首部作品《夜爱夜寂寞》自编自导自演首度展现精湛编导才华,以深刻震撼的超现实美学,流畅而迷人地带领观众进入主角的生活和内心,随着大胆露骨…
  • 《这儿和那儿》是安托尼奥·门德兹·艾斯帕扎执导的一部剧情片,由Pedro De los Santos和Teresa Ramírez Aguirre主演。本片荣获第65届戛纳电影节影评人周单元大奖 。影片讲述一个墨西哥男人在美国工作赚钱多年后终于回到位于格雷罗一个小村庄的家中。据官方介绍,“这部电影关于希望,以及被我们留在过去的那些人和事”。影片2013年2月8…
  • Jose Maria and his sister Mercedes are archaeologists who have been given a grant to study the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe, whom Juan Diego, an ordinary man living near the hill of Tepeyac, witnessed in December 1531.
  • In the village of Fuentecilla, there is a medicinal spa which was very popular in the past but that now has been forgotten by the public. In order to bring back the tourists, the "prominent men" of the village organize a fake miracle: the apparition of San Dimas, the local patron saint, which will take place …