- My Name Is Leon by Lynette Linton is a TV feature set against the backdrop of the race riots in 1980s Birmingham. It tells the story of ten-year-old Leon, a mixed-race boy. We follow his quest to reunite his family after being taken into care and separated from his baby brother. Leon’s adventure leads him to an allotme…
- 据美国媒体报道,派拉蒙影业买下了一部名为《复仇天使》(Avengelyne)漫画的电影改编权,这部漫画由《死侍》的作者Rob Liefeld,讲述了一个被耶和华放逐到人间的女天使保护人类免受恶魔侵袭的故事。影片将由《我是传奇》《史密斯行动》《海神号》等片的制作人阿齐瓦·高斯曼担纲制作,并有望同时担任导演一职。 Avengelyne是一位拥有超强…