搜索 Lythgoe

  • Follows Michael Nunn and William Trevitt, two former Royal Ballet dancers known as 'The BalletBoyz,' as they audition, select and train a new American dance company.
  • 舞魅天下第五季
    最多人收看的舞蹈選秀節目,最大型的真人秀《美國偶像》的姐妹秀:《舞林爭霸》,又要"瘋迷"全世界!由英國美女主持人Cat Deeley主持的本節目,已經進行到第四個季度了,從街頭嘻哈到交際舞,各種舞蹈都有機會在本節目上演出。每位參賽選手都是由節目所評選出來的,不論是從無名小卒到世界舞王。每位參賽者都要努力通過每次的評選,在節目中,…
  • 舞蹈巨星
    A competition featuring masters of dance genres from Ireland, India, USA, Argentina, China, Russia, South Africa and Australia. Each team is comprised of two soloists, one duo and a larger group, all representing their country's best known dance forms.
  • 下一个伟大的美国乐队
    The producers of "American Idol" embark on a search to find the next great American music group.
  • 舞动英伦第二季
  • 舞魅天下第一季
  • 舞魅天下第十季
  • 舞魅天下第四季
  • 舞魅天下第十一季
    From FOX, the creators of American Idol and the producers of American Bandstand and The American Music Awards comes So You Think You Can Dance.In its sophomore season, this show is offering the winner a one year contract for Celine Dion's Vegas show, a brand new car and $100K cash. Contestants perform a particular styl…
  • 美国偶像第一季
    《美国偶像》(American Idol )的原型是英国电视节目《流行偶像》(Pop Idol)。2001年英国电视台推出选秀鼻祖节目《流行偶像》,首届落幕便挖掘出了三名歌坛优质偶像:威尔-扬(Will Young)、葛瑞-盖斯(Gareth Gates)和达拉斯(Darius),一时间偶像旋风席卷全球。FOX广播公司慧眼识珠,以7000多万美元买下节目版权并加以适当改编,从200…