  • 德版家有儿女2
  • 二十岁的萨尔瓦多热爱大海,他以开船带游客游览微风岛为生。冬天的旅游淡季,他会到陆地找一份泥瓦匠的工作。一天,他结识了年轻的马尔蒂娜,她是来小岛潜水的。两个年轻人之间产生了爱情,从此改变了双方的生活。
  • This one is difficult to describe. It looks like a death watch, but the old man is not dead. And some people seem to be bored and others without emotions. In german television was a tv show popular with the same name. There you could vote about court decisions (before they were even made by the real court). In this way…
  • 电影剧情
  • Nesmluvená setkání is the story of a group of astronauts and their Cyborg worker who are assigned to jump from planet to planet in search of suitable living conditions for future inhabitants. Their mission is side tracked one day when the…
  • "Veteran experimental filmmakers Danielle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub helmed this unusual adaptation of a novel by Elio Vittorini. Focused on the triumphs and failures of a group of laborers and farm hands who pooled their resources to operate an alternative collective farm after the end of World War II, Operai,…
  • 伪装成美容院与户籍业务的高级卖淫团伙的故事。警方是在欧洲几乎蔓延网络的踪迹,但他们需要证人出庭作证。只有领导者不断获得的女孩正下方警方保护性拘留。为了使事情最糟糕的,妓女之一是警察的妻子,领导者的新女友。由高测试女孩和劳斯莱斯宝贝电影导演拍摄评论:香槟室17的情节是相当粗糙关于谁被卷入了秘密应召女郎环警督,但是这更多的只…