The Bible Project团队致力于制作原创圣经动画短片。有三卷书在《圣经》中被称为智慧书:箴言,传道书,还有约伯记。箴言,向我们表明上帝是智慧的和公义的,神所设立的世界也是公平的,义人会得奖赏,恶人会受惩罚。但后来我们看到传道书的作者观察到人们并不总是得到他们应得的,世界并不总是公平的。这也使我们想知道,上帝真的是智慧和公义…
Sucker-Free City, or S.F.C., revolves around the conflicts among white, black, Latino and Asian street gangs in San Francisco.旧金山,恶棍自由之城,或者叫作S.F.C,在那里,白人,黑人,拉丁美洲人和亚洲人,由不同人组成的街头帮派所引起的冲突充满了整座城市。
In the summer of ’76, as President Jimmy Carter pledges to give government back to the people, tensions run high in a working-class Philadelphia neighborhood where the Black Panthers once flourished. When Marcus returns—having bolted years…