搜索 Madigan

  • Once again Kathleen's standup is beyond hysterical where she riffs on drinking, Jesus, her large and funny family, Ireland, Missouri ( Her home state) and her views on life!
  • based on a true story this film written by Rama Laurie Stagner and directed by David Jones is wrenchingly honest and moving. Roxy (Amy Madigan) and Vinnie (Dennis Boutsikas) try for years to be pregnant only to have the baby they finally produce to have AIDS, and to discover they too are infected...
  • 在香港国际散打争霸赛上,美国青年卡森惨败于特里弗之手,并被当众羞辱,为报仇雪恨,卡森萌发了去少林寺出家习武的念头。他来到嵩山脚下,结识一个叫阿诗玛的姑娘。阿诗玛带他到少林寺山门。卡森好奇心胜,误闯经堂,被赶出山门,心灰意冷◇经阿诗玛爷爷的指点,他不畏烈日风雨,在山门前打坐,终于打动少林寺主持三德和尚,破例收卡森为少林弟…
  • Susan Seidelman directed this made-for-cable comedy-drama about a few days in the lives of a group of "working girls" in Reno, Nevada. "The Ranch" is a legally operated brothel that operates the careful watch of state health inspectors and the semi-benevolent leadership of Mary , the manager. While …
  • 17岁的中学生Evie Brighton的成绩无懈可击,然而却是个不安的小青年。她背地里写诗,照顾智力迟钝的妹妹 Emily 。Emily的弱智是由于儿时的受伤引起的,这件事至今还困扰着自觉良心有愧的母亲Martha。当Emily开始吟诵部分姐姐的诗时,Evie设计花招让Martha和高中英语老师Stewart Worthy 确信Emily是个真正的诗人……而这一切蓄意破坏自…
  • 电影喜剧
    美丽女孩瑞茜·霍尔登(佐伊·丹斯切尔 Zooey Deschanel 饰)心中怀有表演的梦想,为此她从密歇根州的老家来到大都会纽约,靠着自己的勤奋取得了些许成就。她的父亲丹(埃德·哈里斯 Ed Harries 饰)曾是一名知名作家,却因爱妻之死而将近二十年再未执笔。瑞茜和父亲的关系颇为冷淡,父女二人分别多年几无联系。某晚,演出完毕的瑞茜迎来一位不…