搜索 Magnusson

  • Moa is in her early 20s, works at a factory and lives by herself in a cottage in the forest. She is a vegan and follows her friends and demonstrations, mostly to fit in. But at home, by herself, she listens to pop music and use make-up.
  • 年轻 = 沙滩 阳光 美女 型男 的快乐无边。MTV总是能把握住年轻人的脉动,推荐这个 reality show @ MTV Premiere April (rec by sonychen )
  • 这是一部关于冰岛音乐界的记录片,充满了各式各样的风格、无政府状态和伟大的乐队。还记录下像Bjork、Sigur Ros和Mum这些世界知名的乐手和乐队的现场表演,反映出这个国度对音乐的内在看法。Screaming Masterpiece captures all the energy of the world’s hottest indie music scene in Iceland’s co…
  • 电影青春
    青春的岁月多彩而惆怅,成人的世界则充满失落和无奈。15岁的男孩帕尔(Rolf Sohlman 饰)平时在父亲(Bertil Norström 饰)的修车行帮忙,偶尔还要和家人去看望住在疗养院、倍感孤独的爷爷。女孩安妮佳(Ann-Sofie Kylin 饰)拥有一个推销冰箱总是失败却高傲无比的父亲(Bertil Norström 饰),还有一个美丽但却因个子太高无法成为空姐的…
  • 由二十五个成员国的导演各拍五分钟片段,表现个人观点中欧洲的现在与将来,突显它的自由文化及多元创意。老牌大师杜艾尔怀念恬适的农园生活,中生代如格连纳韦、郭利斯马基演绎历史记录遗民而不失个性。东欧新客心情特别复杂,经济悬殊与种族偏见,使他们怀疑、焦虑、绝望。
  • 盖尔迪亚斯(约翰·赫特 John Hurt 饰)在妻子过世之后就紧紧的封闭起了心门,只沉浸在自己的世界中,完全不管外界发生了什么事情。一天,盖尔回家的时候发现自己忘记带钥匙了,于是决定先去看影院看一部电影。哪知道他在误打误撞之中进错了影厅,原本要看的文艺片变成了吵闹的青春B级片。银幕上荒诞的剧情让思想古板保守的盖尔感到非常的愤怒,…
  • 电影犯罪
    警察费舍尔(Michael Elphick 饰)避居开罗多年,最近被召回欧洲,参与一起连锁彩票杀人案的侦破。费舍尔拜会了恩师奥斯本,老人被警队开除后状况不佳,心血之作《犯罪元素》未受重视,而当年的同事克拉玛摇身一变成为警察局长。卖彩票姑娘的尸体在矿井中被发现,是连锁杀人案的最新受害者,费舍尔从奥斯本处得到嫌疑人格雷的零碎信息,按照《犯…
  • Spence Cutler is a psychopath. He's never felt empathy or guilt. However, a fateful encounter with a new drug is about to give him a dose of too much reality, and he takes a mind-bending trip down the psychedelic highway of consciousness to come face to face with his own morality and his own twisted soul.
  • The strong and responsible Birta seeks ways to raise money through various adventurous methods after overhearing her mother on the phone worrying about financial crisis and not affording the family Christmas. But it's not so easy when you are only eleven years old.title: BirtaEnglish title: BirtaDirector