- Salvatore Ferragamo也学乖了,对比以前那几支宣传影片只有少少几百人收看的窘境,这次的爱情8连发微电影吸引了以十万人次起跳的好成绩。故事围绕在该品牌最著名的「鞋」上,男女主角相追逐在各国的大城市,包含:佛罗伦萨、洛杉矶以及上海,并庆祝Salvatore Ferragamo在2008年过80岁生日,日前以每两周一部的频率发布影片,计有8部,最近发布…
- Hoffa floats ashore in Estonia after his stolen getaway boat has exploded. He tries to begin a new life in Estonia, but the longing for his family back home becomes too big and he decides to get back to Sweden. Now a tough struggle begins to get himself home to the family, a family that has moved on with their lives an…
- "Iceland: Beyond Sigur Rós" is a brand new 30 minute documentary about Iceland's music scene. The not-for-profit film, made by Serious Feather aims to be a "celebration of Iceland's dynamic and diverse contemporary independe…
- A story about four Icelandic detectives, working in the gloomy everyday life in Reykjavik where international crime rings are starting to operate.