搜索 Mahon

  • 三个基友错杀一个流氓,却释放出了千年女妖。原来,流氓是千年女妖的儿子,为了复仇,女妖誓要让这三人腐烂而死。
  • Retelling of the classic children's tale from a 1960s psychedelic viewpoint.
  • As the Japanese retreated in the Philippines some ten thousand Japanese soldiers feared execution if they were to surrender, so they barricaded them selves in Manila's Intramuros, or walled city, vowing to fight until the last man(something they did do). The city was a fort built by the Spanish and had twenty foot thic…
  • 电影恐怖
  • 蛇激起人们的恐惧和讨厌,迷恋和敬畏在某些文化中,它纯粹代表着罪恶;而同时另一些文化中人们崇拜它,敬如神明。蛇类是一种不同于其他的动物,如引诱男人堕落的女子,如杀人的机器。同时,它们也是会催眠术的动物。在精美的装饰品下,它们修长的、柔软的身体优雅的移动;它们穿着拥有自然界最华丽色彩和款式的衣服迅速地、悄悄地潜行着……我们…
  • 电影喜剧
  • John Oak uses his web show ACTUAL FACTUAL TRUTHS to reveal the terrifying secret of SPUNK, a new drug that is tearing America apart with its powerful violence-inducing power. He gives the audience six twisted tales of the scourge that now runs rampant in our streets, turning people violent lunatics and making them lose…
  • Seven girls must spend the night in an old house, which once was a brothel, as part of an initiation