- A down-on-his-luck stock broker becomes homeless and takes refuge in front of an office building where a famous print model works. After he heroically rescues her from a robbery attempt one night, she takes him home as an act of gratitude. Upon cleaning him up, sparks fly and she questions her current relationship in t…
- 一个男人和小三偷情时被原配发现,原配被小三失手杀死,为防止原配变成恶鬼报复,二人用法器镇压住原配的灵魂。多年后法器被人挪动,无意中放出了原配的鬼魂,原配附身小三的女儿,杀死了几位驱魔的法师和奸夫淫妇,原配的女儿痛斥母亲残忍的行为,拿出法器砸向母亲.....
- A struggling family in Albania, wrestling with tradition, must unite against a mysterious clan's aggressions, leading to a 'blood feud' that is all too familiar in the Balkans.
- A cinematic devotional book. based on interviews with an unemployable sufferer (and his fellows), living in the East German countryside. Who lost his memory in 1989 and woke up into several nightmares.一則令人心碎的影像禱告文。如詩的告解與物件搭起劇場,床單、娃娃、模型與蒼蠅,在車廂的光影之間換幕,一頁翻過另一頁。導演搭起無人的蒼穹,獻給喪失記憶的男子。
- Mondo Delirium is the third movie of the "Delirium" Cycle, where Sciolè makes experimental movies meet with Italian b-movies. The dominating emotion is delirium. The structure of the movie is based on a montage that obsessively u…