- Abandoned in Patagonia, the alcoholic Valdivia lives off odd jobs, and mainly off petty theft. One day, while breaking into a car, he is caught by the owner. A strange relationship develops between him and the woman, a swimming instructor who also works nights in a bar. Soon, however, their affair comes to an end. Vald…
- Bhurivasu, Devarata, and Kamandaki were great friends when studying at a Gurukul. Two boys made a promise to each other that one of their son should get married to the daughter of another to cement their freindship. Kamandaki is a witness for that.After a few years, Bhurivasu becomes the minister of a kingdom Padmavath…
- Will the threat of abnormal activity sideswipe the joy of Jared and Laura's newly inherited home, or will whatever previously lived there take it back by force?