搜索 Mamou

  • 在洛衫磯,一個叫 Emilie 的法國女人剛離開她的情人。她正在替自己和她八歲的兒子 Martin 找房子,暫時以路上撿來的傢俱來安置他們的家。她的慌亂不安與其說是透過她自己表達出來,不如說是透過她所觀察的人們表達出來。她只是默默地生活在不斷地自我放逐中。片名《紀錄說謊家》是由「紀錄片」(documentaire)和「說謊者」(menteur)兩…
  • Ricardo recounts the adventures of his 21 year old self, when he went to Italy following love.Middle aged Ricardo Trogi continues to recount key periods of his formative years. This time, the year is 1991 and he's a twenty-one year old student in the screenwriting program at UQAM. Arguably, the two items foremost on hi…
  • Chaos ensues after the estranged patriarch of the Jones family dies on their doorstep. When the paramedic who answers their 911 call tried to win over acerbic Jean Jones, his attempts are disrupted by old conflicts that come to a boil at the funeral.
  • 圣经解码
    《圣经奥秘》将带领您们回到2000多年前的,解开圣经中的 9 个最大疑团。其余故事还包括启示录预言世界末日之谜,十二门徒代替耶稣传教的成功原因,盘石彼得(伯多禄) 成为早期教会领袖的事迹,乔舒亚和耶利哥战役故事的真确性等等。每一集节目针对一个圣经人物货事件进行精关的研究,共有九集,包括:1.谁杀害了耶稣?2.抹大拉玛利亚3.十二门徒…