01) VESTI LA GIUBBA, directed by Ken Lidster, music from PAGLIACCI by Ruggiero Leoncavallo (1858-1919).02) LA DONNA È MOBILE, directed by Monique Renault, music from RIGOLETTO by Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901).03) CARMEN, directed by Christoph…
在大洋深处的南礁,以大白鲨里诺(罗伯特•德•尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)为首的鲨鱼黑帮横行霸道,不可一世,其他鱼类对他们又恨又怕,时刻希望有人(鱼?)出来主持公道,消灭这群恶棍。里诺虽然邪恶,不过却格外疼爱他的儿子弗兰奇(Michael Imperioli 配音)和兰尼(杰克•布莱克 Jack Black 配音)。与凶暴的父亲和哥哥不同,兰尼心地善良,…
After a nuclear holocaust, as the rest of society regresses to primitivism, a small, "elite" group that has managed to escape radioactive contamination takes it upon itself to exterminate those it sees as "unfit", including certain members of its own group.