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  • 电影喜剧
    西哈诺(杰拉尔•德帕迪约 Gérard Depardieu 饰)生性狂野不羁,心地善良,他默默地爱慕着表妹罗克珊(安妮•波诺什 Anne Brochet 饰),但是他生来长着一个丑陋的大鼻子,纵使自己才华横溢,也不敢对表妹表明心迹。一天晚上他狠狠地嘲讽并且击败一个富家子之后,罗克珊约他次日见面。西哈诺写好情书后准备表明情愫之时,罗克珊却告诉他自己爱…
  • A fake priest and a prostitute connive to stage a hoax to pocket money from the church donations... unaware that a real miracle will come their way that will drastically change their lives. When Martin (Manalo), an ex-convict, assumes the identity of Father Eman, the people from the town accepted him. But then he falls…
  • As a ramp and commercial model and a swinging teenager in this movie of sex, wealth and power, Assunta de Rossi as Erika is a sexy appealing face on billboards and on the catwalk.But at home, with her sister Loida (Dina Bonnevie), she shares a dark secret with her surrogate father, Mr. Lorenzo Lavares (Eddie Garcia), w…
  • 酒楼老板陈德祖,尖酸刻薄,扼诈员工,员工中以“中发白”最为恨之入骨,时常希望一朝发达以惩诫陈。陈垂涎邻居“蒙蒙猪”美色,故意亲近,对她大力追求。但“蒙蒙猪”早巳对“中发白”有好感,令“中发白”更要与陈大拗手瓜,引发连场笑话……
  • 电影剧情
    白丽云,著名美女作家。八年前,她刚到北京工作不久,被老板性骚扰,男友张大维把老板打残被判重刑入狱,为帮张大维减刑,她求助于律师杨迪,杨迪不仅帮张大维减了刑,而且还帮白丽云过上她想要的生活,白丽云跟杨迪产生了感情,张大维出狱后,她不得不面临痛苦的抉择。   北京某区公安分局的刑警马晶晶,她因为忙于工作,忽略了丈夫和家人,…
  • 电影恐怖
  • 电影剧情
  • After experiencing heartache, Adrian a.k.a. Ada - a conservative homosexual, leaves the city with his cousin Aruba. Relocating to a quaint province to start a new life and a parlor business, she meets her assistant Didi, her new secret love Dodong and a multitude of wacky characters including Dodong's brother Poldo, th…
  • 电影
    A Mexican-American couple expecting their first child relocate to a migrant farming community in 1970's California. When the wife begins to experience strange symptoms and terrifying visions, she tries to determine if it's related to a legendary curse or something more nefarious.
  • 这部笑中带泪的印度公路喜剧片围绕一个刚刚失去亲人的大家族展开。相当于家族族长的老爷爷去世了,他生前留下了想把骨灰撒在某个特定地点的心愿,而且只有做到了这一点,家人们才能阅读他的遗嘱。为此,一大家子载着骨灰盒,开着车上路了,而这趟旅途也撕开了和谐相处的表象,为他们提供了释 放压力的机会。到旅途终点,不再压抑内心真实想法的…