Alex arrives in Berlin in 1933 in order to find his place in the world and to understand his sexual identity. He will be one of the first post-op transgender in History, unfortunately during the Nazi Regime's rise.
THE GAME WARDEN is a surreal dark-comedy about the life of Dan, a Wildlife Officer who suffers from severe anxiety and grief after a bear attack claims the life of his son.
塔希米是小巴驾驶员,每天要去马尼拉城内拉客赚钱,他对美国的任何事物都很感兴趣,无论是电影、音乐、还是他的梦中情人 - 美国小姐,他每天必听的电台是“美国之声”,尤其对老美的太空计划着迷,特崇拜从东德叛逃的火箭科学家Werner Von Braun,还在村里组了一个WVB迷协会,招收当地一些小孩做会员,并通过卖冰棒为菲律宾小姐的选美活动筹款。…