搜索 Marati

  • 电影恐怖
    故事发生在车水马龙的繁华大都市巴黎,隐藏在川流不息的人群背后的,是紧密交织混乱而又复杂的黑帮关系网。克劳德(菲利普·科贝尔 Philippe Caubère 饰)身为黑道的教父级人物,拥有着极高的威望和强大的话语权。在他的指挥和领导下,各帮派之间艰难的达成了统一,互惠互利,经营着各种违法的勾当。拉比尔(托莫·希思黎 Tomer Sisl…
  • 获得荷兰鹿特丹影展费比西影评人奖   索科洛夫独特的电影风格,被誉为同时具有光彩而诗意的影像、深邃而激烈的感情和飘忽的空间与时间感的电影风格。   ◎ 简  介:   年轻男子面临敬爱父亲的突然去世,伤心的他只能独自承担处理父亲后事的责任。   ◎ 关于影片:   在苏古诺夫的镜头下,这个原始而简单的命题化为深刻细微观察下的…
  • A better than average Italian crime thriller for two reasons: firstly the story happens during one day, which creates dramatic tension, and secondly there aren't too many characters to follow. Also the motivations for the protagonists are carefully construed from social and psychological issues such as poverty and masc…
  • Two couples each know their relationships is over but don't have the guts to end it--so they find themselves fighting to hold on to something they know is not worth saving. "One of the great contemporary works of art."