- The first cultural act of the nascent Mozambique Government after independence in 1975 was to create the National Institute of Cinema (INC). The new president Samora Machel had a strong awareness of the power of the image, and understood he needed to use this power to build a socialist nation. INC's goal was to film th…
- 日籍巴西人马里奥(TEAH 饰)和非法滞留日本的中国女孩琪(李嘉欣 饰)相恋。在琪即将被遣送回国之际,马里奥乘直升机袭击了管理局的车辆,救出爱人。为了躲避警方追捕,远走高飞。这对情侣购买了假护照,却被爱慕琪的中国黑帮老大高(及川光博 饰)所毁掉。接下来的日子里,马里奥和巴西伙伴们四处筹钱,他们策划洗劫高的斗鸡场,阴差阳错抢走…
- In colonial Brazil, boy is sent to live with some parents in a sugarcane plantation, after losing his mother. His adaptation will be difficult and painful. A young boy goes to live with his grandfather on a Brazilian plantation after his mother dies. Haunted by the memories of her violent death, the boy slowly adapts t…