- 马丁·马吉拉是最神秘的时尚设计大师。 他从不公开露面, 从不接受录像采访, 不让杂志拍照。 在很长一段时间里世人都不确定他长什么样。如同其为人颠覆了名利场的规则, 他的服装设计更是彻底无视所谓时尚的金科玉律。 他的秀场在停车场、 地铁站和荒地里。他的标志是被遮盖的模特的面部、 粗糙的剪裁。 秀场废弃的布置道具、 塑料胶带、 写过…
- A nerdy professor who has no luck with women builds beautiful female robots to satisfy his sexual desires.Feminists beware! How To Make A Doll, a gratuitous, slapstick, science-fiction sex fantasy from HERSCHELL GORDON LEWIS, will leave you aghast! Percy Corley (ROBERT WOOD), a brilliant but nerdy, bespectacled mathema…
- How to explain the notion of Slovakia of the past twenty years to a stranger, a visitor from another planet What is the genetic makeup the software of Slovakia? How to use it? How does it change? Slovakia 2.0 is a film about twenty years of independent Slovakia as seen from the perspective of ten film directors. It is …
- Three university students, Adrian, Ninel and Anuca, try to cross the natural border over the Danube. This is the year 1949, when the communist regime is being rapidly enforced in Romania. The two boys are caught by the border police and end up in the forced labor camp of the Danube-Black Sea canal, where they endure a …