搜索 Margold

  • 电影动画
    患有自闭症的小男孩彰太郎(吉川史树 饰),天真可爱,非常招人喜爱,无异于其他同龄的孩子。直到有一天,母亲晴江(田中美佐子 饰)发现了这个仿佛晴天霹雳一般的消息。难以面对现实的母亲却怀着一颗永不放弃的心,她不认输。慢慢的,晴江发现了彰太郎与众不同的天赋,儿子在跑步的时候表现超出常人。晴江带着儿子开始了每日的练习。多年来,晴…
  • Mary Jo Harmon是一个小镇乡村女孩,她梦想着搬到好莱坞,有一个成为著名电影明星的理想。但她刚到这里对浮华和魅力的幻想就开始消失,因为她听到的关于洛杉矶肮脏的演员、淫秽的制片人和变态派队的所有事情都是……是正确的!当她周围的世界变成一场前所未有的失望时,她能实现梦想吗?
  • 有政治关系的虐待狂商人有一些漂亮的女人为他工作,而且对她们很不好。其中一个女孩爱上了一个前越南士兵,因为战争受伤而阳痿,她决定释放自己,和她的爱人一起逃走......
  • Shattering all of the carnal commandments, a self-ordained messenger of the Lord, Reverend Jerry, leads an insidious double-life. Passionately imploring his followers to donate freely to hi cause, the good Reverend misdirects the funds towards his hedonistic pursuit of sexual depravity at Madame Blanche's- a whore hous…
  • In a certain town, one husband cannot satisfy his wife, a construction worker doesn't even have sex with his and a cheating husband's wife fantasizes about the pool guy. The unsatisfied wife fantasizes about being in a threesome with two robbers, and later about being with her friend - the cheating husband's wife. Mean…