搜索 Margulies

  • 本片片长55分钟,由Julianna Margulies 讲述,Andrew Goldberg 制作和导演,片头以对1915年的亚美尼亚种族大屠杀的强烈肯定开始,接着提出一些列质问:这样大规模的屠杀怎么竟会发生,为什么发生,为什么对此历史一直沉默等等……
  • A clan of Irish-American con artists live in a secluded compound and have their own time-honored customs. Pat returns to the hideout for the funeral of his father, who irked the clan by marrying an outsider. Because his mother is not Irish, the compound's boss, Jack Costello, tells him that he's no longer welcome; but …
  • 感恩节到底对人们意味着什么?欢聚、宴会,重温亲情的可贵?几个不同的家庭,几段不同的经历,几代人的代沟、隔膜,它们在感恩节中会如何发展?影片中几个家庭都是被生活的忙碌所累,为生活而奔波,但在难得的感恩节中,是该停下来,关心一下身边的人了。
  • 一群宇航员在宇宙中执行了多年任务,返航时飞船却发生了故障,迫降在地球的海面上,很快,他们惊奇地发现,地球已经变得残破不堪,城市成为了一片废墟,而且他们在寻找幸存者时竟遭到食人丧尸的袭击。原来在他们离开地球的一段时间里一种致命病毒蔓延了整个大气层使人们死亡变异,现在他们要面对的,是如何在丧尸的包围圈中杀出一条生路……八十…
  • 电影
    Follows the story of Abu Zubaydah, the first high-value detainee subjected to the CIA's program, later identified as torture by those outside the agency.