- Nostalgic comedy set in the early 1960s, when the tango was all the rage. The "prodigal son" Tenho returns from his unlucky adventures in the city back to his parents' farm. Tenho becomes the laughing stock of local men until he scores the hottest girl in the village. A hot romance flares up between Tenho and…
- The Soviet Union in the 1960s. A little Nenets girl, Neko is taken against her will from her home tent to a boarding school in a remote Russian village. Forced to adapt to a foreign culture and new customs, she rebels against the Russification and gets bullied by her schoolmates and teachers. The story is framed throug…
- In this subtly engaging story about two people who fall in love and try to overcome their families' criminal inclinations, the breathtaking summer scenery of Finland sets the backdrop for a personal battle between ethics on the one hand, and a life of petty crime on the other. Young Alex Sammako (Markku Halme) has seen…