- The story of an autistic youth named Ricky who, after a particularly difficult day at school, escapes into the subways. It's here that he starts his real journey, on a days-long voyage of discovery while, above ground, his mom frantically searches for him.
- 詹姆斯是一个有抱负的摄影师,他爱上了库珀,一个酗酒的社会名流,而库珀的日常工作却是一个清醒的司机。在这段闪电般的浪漫恋爱结束时,他们不得不在梦想和内心之间做出选择,虽然他们都知道这两种方式都不容易下决定。
- Ward Bailey arrives to become the Marshal of the unincorporated and lawless town of Gunsmoke where the outlaws have prevented an honest election. He quickly locks up some of them including one seen committing murder. But their defense lawyer turns out to be his brother who gets them all acquitted
- Banker Mason is after the ranchers land so he can resell it to therailroad for a profit. He has the railroad agent killed and replaceshim with his stooge who then offers even less than Mason. But Rockyeventually suspects Mason and when Bill Anderson informs him theagent is a fake, they head out after Mason