搜索 Marsha

  • The story of an autistic youth named Ricky who, after a particularly difficult day at school, escapes into the subways. It's here that he starts his real journey, on a days-long voyage of discovery while, above ground, his mom frantically searches for him.
  • 詹姆斯是一个有抱负的摄影师,他爱上了库珀,一个酗酒的社会名流,而库珀的日常工作却是一个清醒的司机。在这段闪电般的浪漫恋爱结束时,他们不得不在梦想和内心之间做出选择,虽然他们都知道这两种方式都不容易下决定。
  • 1939年的美国大都会纽约,美丽女孩贝蒂·宝(Desirée Goyette 配音)为了生计同时做着两份工作,白天她在某公司通勤上班,夜幕降临后,则拖着疲惫的身体前往某夜总会展现曼妙舞姿和动听歌喉。贝蒂深深迷恋百万富翁兼花花公子沃多(Derek McGrath 配音),希望有朝一日能飞上枝头,麻雀变凤凰。如此心高气傲的女孩,不愿委身贫民窟,更不会和送…
  • Ward Bailey arrives to become the Marshal of the unincorporated and lawless town of Gunsmoke where the outlaws have prevented an honest election. He quickly locks up some of them including one seen committing murder. But their defense lawyer turns out to be his brother who gets them all acquitted
  • 讲述了圣诞节即将到来,只剩下一天可以用来购物了。弗雷德要在贝德洛克出口的“圣诞颂歌”的首演中扮演斯库奇,他是如此地沉醉于这个角色中以致于完全忘记了要去购物。 更糟糕的是,他把宝宝佩泊斯一个人丢在了购物中心。于是妻子葳玛和她所熟悉的精灵们表演了一个真实的圣诞奇迹以帮助丈夫回忆起这个季节的真正含义
  • Banker Mason is after the ranchers land so he can resell it to therailroad for a profit. He has the railroad agent killed and replaceshim with his stooge who then offers even less than Mason. But Rockyeventually suspects Mason and when Bill Anderson informs him theagent is a fake, they head out after Mason
  • 《超级运动城》是现场运动节目和充满艺术特效的CGI环境的有趣融合的作品。节目中四位年轻的外星人为了寻找一个叫“狂暴鲁迪”的坏蛋从“运动星球”来到地球。他们必须阻止狂暴鲁迪窃取地球孩子的身体能量,将他们都变成电子游戏迷和垃圾食品迷。四位超能运动英雄,强强,弹弹,美美和壮壮化装成人类的样子,生活在他们的超现代健身房中,孩子们…
  • 电影剧情