搜索 Meyers

  • Description: A young woman gets hooked on crack, goes crazy and ends being responsible fora killing spree!
  • 短片The ABCs of death competition參與26種死法短片競賽,關於一個變性人的故事,重口味之作
  • 1939年的美国大都会纽约,美丽女孩贝蒂·宝(Desirée Goyette 配音)为了生计同时做着两份工作,白天她在某公司通勤上班,夜幕降临后,则拖着疲惫的身体前往某夜总会展现曼妙舞姿和动听歌喉。贝蒂深深迷恋百万富翁兼花花公子沃多(Derek McGrath 配音),希望有朝一日能飞上枝头,麻雀变凤凰。如此心高气傲的女孩,不愿委身贫民窟,更不会和送…
  • 探索频道播放的科学新发现(Naked Science)系列之宇宙大爆炸。通过采访凯斯西储大学的劳伦斯·克劳斯教授、《不可能的物理学》作者加来道雄博士、NASA的科学家大卫·斯伯格、利物浦大学的塔拉·西尔斯博士、伯明翰大学的大卫·伊凡斯博士等人,介绍了宇宙大爆炸之后1秒钟之内的巨大变化,从而决定了宇宙的现在与未来。
  • Rich and popular Greg Dunleavy's bright future is threatened by the revelation that Emily, a girl from the wrong side of the tracks, is pregnant with his child. Emily wants to keep the baby, but Greg has other ideas. After Emily disappears, Greg's girlfriend Nicole Voss becomes close to Emily's mother. When Emily is fo…
  • Sword of Heaven (1985) is about a crooked cop named Cal (Wynston A. Jones) and his fighting-man sidekick Dirk (Mel Novak) who scheme to strip rich men of their money to equip a paramilitary crime-fighting force. Murders and mayhem result and catch the attention of vacationing Japanese police detective Tadashi (Tadashi …
  • Tracklist"It's My Life""Running""Underneath It All" featuring Lady Saw"Hella Good""Hey Baby" featuring Bounty Killer"Bathwater""Simple Kind of Life""Ex-Girlfriend""New""Oi to the World""Sunday Morning""Exc…
  • A&E名人传记系列,且看圣经中记载的人类祖先。如何第一次相爱,并如何第一次屈服于诱惑。The first love story, the first morality play--the story of Adam and Eve has inspired countless poets and artists and shaped Western civilization as we know it today. Through th…
  • 影片由自编自导了《卢旺达饭店》《冲击之路》的特瑞·乔治执导,故事的男主人公是一名年轻赌徒,为了偿还赌债铤而走险抢劫了一家鱼店,却阴差阳错地将抢劫行动搞成了充满诙谐色彩的人质囚禁事件。布兰登·费舍在片中饰演的是鱼店店主一角。