- 六位新浪潮电影导演合作的一部音乐喜剧,关于60年代的阿根廷流行JAZZ乐和民歌等等,其实他们每个人自己的作品都要比这片好得多,可联合起来却并不是件好事,这片最多当成音乐听听,买张黑胶原声即可,至于影像方面基本没有任何亮点。阿亚拉后来的《阿根廷精神1,2》要比这部强多了。
- Relaxing nonsense with pretty girls and German Valdes (same as English name Herman?) who greatly resembles in appearance, dress, musical and acting style Cab Calloway. Quite a few sprightly musical numbers adorn this light tale of a musician on the bum falling into a lets-put-on-a-big-show scenario so familiar to USA a…
- Comenzando en la tumba de una joven, la película es un largo flashback que cuenta la historia de esa joven con un par de estudiantes de medicina de manera cómica por momentos y dramática en otros. Trasunto de la personalidad múltiple de Fl…
- Numerous plot holes give a bumpy ride to this flawed crime drama about a prisoner who breaks out of jail in order to hand over some hidden, stolen money to his friend and partner in crime, who is dying. The prisoner escapes with the help of three gangsters who take him to a hide-out where an attractive prostitute, the …
- 一年一度的柏林爱乐乐团森林音乐会在2008年夏季迎来了委内瑞拉指挥家杜达梅尔,以及一场火爆热烈的南美交响音乐会。查维兹的《印第安交响曲》,吉纳斯代拉的《芭蕾组曲》,女高音马丁内兹演唱了维拉-罗伯斯的《巴西巴赫风格曲》、法里亚的《西班牙歌谣》等。Chávez: Symphony No. 2 “Sinfonía india” · De Falla: Siete…