搜索 Florencio

  • Ricardo wants to become and actor against his father's wishes who would rather see him as a lawyer. Ricardo gets a part in a movie that is being sabotaged and for which he is wrongly accused. He chooses to defend himself at trial and finally uncovers true culprit. His father ends up admitting his son is as good as an a…
  • 六个年轻人为了电影噱头,于是出发作死去寻找神秘坟墓。然后他们遇到...恐怖的...香蕉!一场全球浩劫就此开始...
  • Comenzando en la tumba de una joven, la película es un largo flashback que cuenta la historia de esa joven con un par de estudiantes de medicina de manera cómica por momentos y dramática en otros. Trasunto de la personalidad múltiple de Fl…
  • 天生擁有一副嘹亮好歌喉的歌劇女伶莫嘉娜其實有個人生缺憾,還沒完全擺脫男兒身的她盼望有一天能變成一個完整的女人,忽然之間轉機從天而降,她獲選代表墨西哥前往泰國參加國際跨性別皇后選美比賽,除了希望能以她的美妙歌喉和美麗外貌擄獲評審的心,更衷心期待在全球變性手術首屈一指的曼谷完成轉變為真實自我的重大目標,透過導演的從中牽線,…
  • 电影
    A cinematographic adaptation of the piece Poema, by the Portuguese thinker Tomás Maia. An audiovisual poiesis, “presented in a double movement, of flux and reflux, descending and ascending, in a veiled revisitation of the myth of Orpheus—b…