- On Christmas eve the royals head for Sandringham , taken out of moth-balls for the occasion and Camilla is not happy when Kate declares that she wants to cook the dinner for the family, despite scary Princess Anne's austerity measures. Nor is Charles pleased to learn that a referendum prefers William as king, rather th…
- 12 year olds, Tomika and Edith set out in the bush to play the Boyfriend Game, only to struggle when the lines between real and pretend become blurred
- The great white hunter is showing of his collection methods of rare Venusian wildlife - all guns blazing. based on the world of Dr Grordbort by Greg Broadmore. 一趟金星的狩獵探險,布洛德佛斯勛爵獵殺美麗的珍奇異獸,讓祖國收藏更加豐碩,同行的記者小姐卻與他針鋒相對。復古B 級片搬到外星球,對帝國主義和權貴人士極盡揶揄。
- 克蕾拉將祖母的老房子改裝成一棟温馨美麗的民宿,但老阿嬤們擔心她一個單身女子經營民宿會危險,因此建議她假裝已婚來保護自己。沒想到,民宿的第一位客人瑞克卻讓克蕾拉一見鍾情,兩人互動也越來越親密。看著這個可能是真命天子的男人,克蕾拉該如突破這困境,抓緊真愛呢?