- A detective leaves the force to take over the family business as an undertaker at the same time as he is being investigated for murder. His close encounters with corpses and his earlier police training lead him to see things some of his ex-colleagues miss and he investigates the crimes he encounters in an unofficial ca…
- skam挪威版每一季都是imdb 8分以上的作品,自开播以来就在全世界范围内吸粉无数,很多欧美国家也相继翻拍,而意大利版中的男女主角更是让不少观众“磕破了头”该剧是一群高中生的生活群像,讲述了青春期的少男少女们在日常生活、休闲时光中所发生的故事与烦恼,每一季侧重的主角也有所不同。而第一季主要讲述的是Eva爱上并“抢”走好朋友的男朋…