- Villains was a British anthology series of thirteen standalone plays first shown in 1972. These plays could be seen as pieces in a patchwork, each having its own particular identity but all joining together to give an overall picture. …
- Dean Martin hosts with several different celebrities that have several sketches of improv that breaks down comedy, race, and sex all at of the same time.
- 乔治(史蒂夫·马丁 Steve Martin 饰)好不容易才接受了女儿已嫁为人妻的现实,本以为生活能够重新归于平静,没想到女儿怀孕的消息再度让乔治陷入了焦虑之中。女儿怀孕,不仅意味着她将步入人生新的阶段,同时还意味着,乔治已经到了升格成为外公的年纪了,一种深深的危机感弥漫在乔治的心头无法挥散。不知是福是祸,乔治的妻子妮娜(黛安·基顿…