搜索 Marya

  • Movie is about the story of individuals whose city, no matter how is large, but is similar to a small "Patio" for them.
  • Just Like That: A receptionist in a large firm cheats on her voyeuristic lover with a delivery boy who has a crush on her. Another Woman's Lipstick: A young wife discovers lipstick on her husband's collar. She follows him, meets his mistress, and has a lesbian fling with her. Talk To Me, Baby: A man caught cheating in …
  • 弗莱事件是指2017年,不少人慕名飞到巴哈马海岛,参加众多名人站台、号称超豪华音乐节的Fyre Festival,但宣传是水清沙白、泳装美女遍地、美食音乐齐飞的大狂欢,现实是野地帐篷、啥也没有、跟泥相伴。此事在社交网络引发巨大讨论,其背后的组织工作也被各种揭秘。
  • AhmadMaryam
  • In the year 1920, when India's freedom movement was gaining momentum, one man firmly believed that the Britishers were not as bad as they were being made out to be.
  • 2014年艾美奖最佳纪录片《罩袍下的世界》(No Burqas Behind Bars),见证勇无畏惧的阿富汗回教女性对抗“道德罪”的动人故事。
  • 四个性格迥异、信仰不同的人,为了等待支票兑换成现金得到自己应有的一份,不得不在一起共同度过一天两夜。尽管谁看谁都不顺眼,但还是要互相忍让至少30个小时。但更严峻的问题是:他们每个人都想独吞巨款!《支票发财梦》是一部融合了悲剧主题色彩,但又穿插了喜剧和强烈冲突元素的现实题材的电影。在影片中,纪录片式的拍摄风格带有浓郁的德黑…
  • In Iran, since the 1979 Islamic revolution, women are no longer allowed to sing in public as soloists - at least in front of men. Defying censorship and taboos, the young composer Sara Najafi is determined to organize an official concert for solo female singers. In order to support their fight, Sara and her friends inv…
  • 如有变更
    澳大利亚电视荧屏上有望首次出现多数角色是同性恋、双性恋和跨性别者(LGBT)的高中校园剧,制片方于25日圣诞节发布了首支预告片,试播集已进入后期制作阶段。这部独立制作的电视剧名为“Subject to Change”(大意为“如有变更”),背景设在劳工阶层聚居的郊区,主线是当地高中三位好朋友的校园生活,他们分别是敏感腼腆有洁癖的本(Ben)、超…