搜索 Parvin

  • 曾演出《殺人回憶》、《八月照相館》Jeon Mi Sun在新片《Love is a crazy thing》中飾演故事主人翁Au Jin。居住在Busan的她是一名寂寞的少婦,丈夫只花很少時間去照顧他倆的兒女。Au Jin為了消磨時間,便開始兼職的工作,在一個電話服務中心上班。一天,她接了一個陌生男子的電話,自此,她每天最開心的事便是這位男子的來電。經慫恿之下,Au…
  • The son of a politician is abducted. The kidnappers play a dangerous double game to support activists against land grabbing by the Government.Rajbir is sentenced to a year in jail for Assault while his friends, Sexy, Ambani and Doctor, are not charged. After his discharge he reports to their boss, Fauji, an ex-army off…
  • 23岁的女孩什姆在孟加拉国达卡的一家服装厂当纺织女工。作为女工,什姆和女同事们经常会遭受种种来自工作的不平等待遇,这让她萌生了改变这一切的想法。她发动工厂里有着同样不幸遭遇的女工们一道,创立了工会。在向工厂征求合法权益的同时,她不得不面对来自管理层的威胁和丈夫的极力反对。孤立无援的什姆选择逆风而行。女人们唯有自强才能找到…
  • In Iran, since the 1979 Islamic revolution, women are no longer allowed to sing in public as soloists - at least in front of men. Defying censorship and taboos, the young composer Sara Najafi is determined to organize an official concert for solo female singers. In order to support their fight, Sara and her friends inv…
  • 《穆合塔尔书(Mokhtarnameh)》是一部取材于穆合塔尔•塞盖菲(Mukhtar Thaqafi)生平、由Sima Film(伊朗)出品的电视剧。超过140名演员参演。穆合塔尔•塞盖菲是什叶派穆斯林领袖,他于公元686年在库法城(Kufa)领导了一场为殉难的伊玛目侯赛因(Hussein(AS),穆罕默德的外孙)复仇的起义。主演包括Fariborz Arabnia,Re…
  • An Assistant Director in Bollywood, Rahul Bajaj is in love with Shalu. He wants to marry her, so meets her parents and gets their conditional approval. However, he is given 3 months to find a flat or Shalu's marriage will be re-arranged to a Surat-based groom. Namita and Akash Ranade are caught up in their respective l…