- Education is a human right that years of war in Afghanistan have reduced to a privilege. Scores of poverty stricken youth have no understanding of what it means to learn something beyond the basic street hustling skills needed for begging, selling, or pickpocketing. This is the result of the decade-long fighting that h…
- Sibel和Max是两名居住在汉堡市的医生,而且都分别独立抚养自己的孩子。因为一次机缘巧合,他们互相认识而且为自己还未成年的孩子即将为人父母而操碎了心。两个40多岁的中年人又会如何往下发展呢?
- The people at the top of the CIA and Saddam's foreign minister describe just how the US and Britain got it so wrong about Saddam's weapons of mass destruction before the invasion.Tony Blair recounts how he flew to President Bush's private retreat at Camp David to go head to head with Vice President Dick Cheney. Colin P…