- Against the backdrop of New York and New Orleans, Elliott, Leanne and Jermaine question their ability to dream amidst a crumbling economic climate. Opening in the streets of downtown Manhattan, Elliott (23), living at home after college, is surrounded by incomplete projects, frustrated and in search of purpose. Simulta…
- A satire on anti-communist paranoia in the days of fascist dictatorship in Portugal. The series follows the adventures of the Lusitanian superhero, the ultra-patriotic Captain Falcão, a man who follows the direct orders of António de Oliveira Salazar in the fight against the red menace. Starring Gonçalo Waddington, as …
- Rafael resides on his southern Spanish finca with his friends, a group of bohemian refuseniks, adventurers and leftover revolutionaries. They loaf about in style in the idyllic surroundings, playing around, drinking, chatting, reciting verse, posing and performing. Early on, Rafael’s son shows up with his German fiancé…