搜索 Matos

  • Apolinario dela Cruz, known as Hermano Puli, was shot and quartered on November 4,1841-three decades before the execution of the GOMBURZA. Among all of the Filipino heroes, Hermano Puli stands alone for leading the only revolt against the Spanish colonial government in the name of religious freedom. This film sheds lig…
  • Alfonsina (Débora Ingrid) tem 15 anos e sonha conhecer o mar. Querência (Marcélia Cartaxo) está na faixa dos 40. Das Dores (Zezita Matos) já no fim da vida. No sertão compartilham sobrenome e muitos sentimentos. Amam e desejam ardentemen…
  • 惡作劇三人組,庫爾塔、瑞圖,以及比諾,四處欺騙偷竊,當他們與領隊,來自四大洲的托尼會合之後,這四個海綿腦袋開始想找個裝滿錢的皮箱,讓每個人都能變得有錢,解決所有問題。他們擁有間諜工具、三腳貓功夫,以及一肚子的蠢主意,但情勢每況愈下,特別是他們到最後才發現,這個裝滿錢的箱子,其實被鎖在勢力最大的黑道集團保險箱中。這是一場…
  • 在分开很长一段时间后,母亲和女儿在旷野重逢,在废墟和回忆的边缘。女儿的命运剥夺了母亲的梦想。过去的一切是一个圆圈,囚禁了活着的和死去的人。女儿要和那个世界断绝关系,但阴影似乎还是觊觎着她。
  • Eunice is a teenage girl who is running away from her father's sexual harassment. Alejandro is a young rocker who breaks into a drugstore and escapes to Havana with a couple of friends. When they meet on the road, they decide to travel together in search of a paradise. This will mark the rest of their lives. They are h…
  • Geninha and Fortunato are couple who loves music. He's a good songwriter, she sings well. Despite this, their parents hate each other and do not seem willing to allow their marriage, nor the creation of a local radio for them.
  • 17世纪西班牙的塞维利亚,年青的伯爵阿玛维瓦与富有而美丽的少女罗西娜相爱。罗西娜的监护人、贪婪的医生巴尔托洛也在打罗西娜的主意。伯爵在机智、正直的理发师费加罗的帮助下,冲破巴尔托罗的阻挠和防范,终于和罗西娜结成了良缘。
  • First hero, George gets a big order by billionaire. also that in order to "bend" to such a powerful man, he arranges a big orgy by inviting silly girls ...
  • 唯一由默片拍到現在的導演,迪‧奧利菲拉可說是活動電影博物館了。大師一百歲又生猛出招啦!這一招是個完美無瑕的道德故事,玩卡夫卡式的寓言不止,更曲筆擺出華麗古典版布紐爾格局。倒楣的馬加里奧一見鍾情對窗金髮女,但當美人被追到手,情卻隔了幾重山:叔父的反對、經濟的拮据,最後竟是金髮女的問題。生命果然是個謎。最精彩的是爐火純青的…