- "She's Bad, She's Blonde, She's Lunch." A couple hold up a store to pay the rent, then take an ill-fated trip to Lover's Lane, where they meet a man involved in genetic research. "Cardinal Sin." A young man escapes into Hustler fantasies and must avoid his overbearing and religious mom. Eventually h…
- Set in Seattle, Washington, THE LONG NIGHT, by Tim Matsui and MediaStorm, gives voice and meaning to the crisis of minors who are forced and coerced into the American sex trade. The film weaves together the stories of those whose lives have been forever changed by this issue. THE LONG NIGHT is not themed to advocate a …
- 浅見光彦ミステリー第1弾。「難事件を直感と推理で解決していくルポライター・浅見光彦の活躍を描く。浅見光彦を水谷豊が演じ、名探偵ぶりと茶目っ気を遺憾なく発揮している。母親と高知に向かうフェリーの旅を楽しんでいたルポライターの光彦(水谷豊)は、甲板で教田という男から平家の落人の村・相ノ川に帰る途中なのだと話しかけられる。男…
- Meredith Rossman is the uptight heiress of Rossman's Department store. She has made the business her entire life, not leaving any time for Christmas or romance, much to the chagrin of her parents. But when she is roped into donning the store's antique Mrs. Claus outfit to play Mrs. Claus at Rossman's famous Santaville,…
- ある日、夜明のもとに警視庁の神谷警部から速達が届いた。その中には、夜明宛に届いた差出人に覚えが無い葬式の案内状が入っていた。葬式に参列してみると、それは夜明が6年前に殺人で逮捕した男・木村哲夫の葬儀で、案内状を出したのは、哲夫の妹・藍子(美保純)だった。夜明は藍子に頼まれ、銀座で藍子が開いているスナックまで送ることにな…